If you are a producer, director, or actor looking for something to inspire audiences, consider Tom Monson’s work.

Check his extensive professional work at IMDB.


by Tom Monson

Genre: Action, Adventure, War Drama

David Meets Goliath at Sea

LOGLINE: To save the US landing forces on the Island of Leyte during WWII, and with everything at stake, the captain and crew of the USS Johnston, lay it all on the line and attack a vastly superior Japanese fleet.

EMAIL TOM for more information.

Saving Charity Nash

by Tom Monson

GENRE: Supernatural, Drama, Mystery

LOGLINE: A deadly car crash awakens a troubled woman’s psychic powers. To find

The Sixth Sence meets Towering Inferno


redemption, she has to risk her life to save four young children from certain death.

INSPIRED BY ACTUAL EVENTS: Charity Nash is learning to deal with causing the death of her two little brothers when a deadly car crash sends her to the hospital. Her deceased grandmother tries to take her into the light, but Charity refuses. When she returns home, she discovers she can see events before they happen. Using her psychic powers, she prevents the murder of a young woman. She connects with a psychic who helps her learn how to use her new abilities. She achieves national acclaim with the prediction of a bus crash that will potentially save 30 people. Reoccurring nightmares of four children trapped in a fire begin and cause marital problems. When there is no bus crash, the media ridicule her. When she decides to rescue the four children, her husband walks out. She realizes if she is going to keep her sanity, she has to save them. She has to discover the time and location of the fire. A harrowing ending will have audiences on the edge of their seats and inspired.

This story is a perfect franchise or TV Series.

Evil Ever After

by Tom Monson

Genre: Horror, Drama, Paranormal.

The Exorcist meets Poltergeist

LOGLINE: To help a friend finish a documentary, Nick investigates a haunted house and finds himself in a life-or-death battle with the prince of hell.

SYNOPSIS: The movie opens with a good man named Tate and an evil man named Feci fighting a battle to the death.

Then cut to Nick, an award-winning film producer searching for his next project. Nick and his agent are at odds because Nick refuses every project.  

Nick’s protégé, Ollie has to abandon a film about a haunted house. Nick doesn’t do ghost stories, but he will help Ollie find someone else to finish the project. 

Nick examines Ollie’s research and reads about Feci who is suspected of killing several young women.

As Nick continues to look through the material, he experiences disturbing visions, including a hallucination of Feci. 

Intrigued, Nick decides to investigate the story and travel to the house.

When he enters the house, he has visions of the spirits of several people who lived in the house. He encounters Amanda, who was one of Feci’s victims. When an evil spirit possesses Nick, the encounter goes very wrong. 

Realizing he needs help, Nick contacts the psychic woman he just met. When they enter the house, the evil spirit’s intentions are exposed. 

They discover they are fighting the evilest of adversaries, the Prince of Hell.

They call in a group of experienced evil-spirit fighters to conduct a séance to flush out the evil spirit. The encounter goes terribly wrong and they run for their lives.

Refusing to abandon Amanda’s helpless spirit, and against the advice of everyone, Nick decides to go in alone to combat the prince of hell.  

One of the expert ghost hunters instructs Nick on how to take on the evil spirit. 

In the final battle, Nick opens the gates of hell, and scores of demons and evil spirits attack him and Tate as they battle to keep the evilest of spirits from escaping back into the world.

NOTE: If you liked The Exorcist and Poltergeist, you will absolutely love this one.

Our Father’s Dream

by Thomas Nash Monson

Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama

POSTED March 9, 2022

LOGLINE:  The only survivors of the massacre of their village, two young children run for their lives. Pursued by genocidal marauders, they have to cross the most dangerous land on earth.  

NOTE: This is an awesome story and could be produced for under $1 million and win awards.

Inspired by true events and set in South Sudan, Africa, David, 10, and Mary Osman, 9, witness the brutal murder of their parents. David promised them he would take Mary to America. To do this, he has to take her across 2,000 miles of desert, jungle, raging rivers, and predatory beasts. Their biggest obstacle is Colonel Hoth and his marauders. They are desperate to silence the last living witnesses of their atrocity.

The coverage and analysis of this script include recommend, consider, and pass. It has been well received by the under-35 crowd.

If you are interested in reading the full script of OUR FATHER’S DREAM, please let me know and I will send or email you a copy. 


One In a Million

GENRE: Sports

Rocky Meets Girlfight.

LOGLINE: One In A Million is a powerful story of a struggling wife and mother dealing with her war-traumatized husband. After a video of her knocking out a thug goes viral, she is offered the chance to fight the best female boxer in the world but must overcome her fears to make it happen.

EMAIL TOM for more information.